And I say...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
(Matthew 16:18-19)
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So Mightily Grew The Word Of God And Prevailed
(Acts 19:20)
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About Prevailers

At Prevailers, we believe that every world changer is person of virtue and value. This is because it takes virtue to create positive value sustainably.
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16)
We believe when Jesus declares us salt and light of the earth and in the world in Matthew 5:13-16, it meant we should be persons of virtue (salt) and persons of value (light) if we must do good works to influence our world to the glory of God.

World Changers Convention 2024

World Changers Convention 2024

We thank God for the success of World Changers Convention 2024 💯💯✨✨
Themed: The Manifestation of World Changers!💯💯✨✨
Came up from the (4th to 7th of April 2024).

Host: Pst. (Dr.) Ronke Adoga.
With other Anointed Guest Ministers.

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Our Leader

Pastor (Dr.)Ronke Esther Adoga

Pastor (Dr) Ronke E Adoga is the visioner and Founder of Prevailers Intercessory Faith Ministry (a.k.a. Prevailers), with headquarters in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She is a dynamic and fervent minister of the word with a strong prophetic and evangelistic grace. She is passionate about seeing people walk with God and fulfil His purpose for their lives. Her deep hunger for God and His Word makes her a person of prayer, who craves intensely for His presence in all she does.

Pastor (Dr) Inalegwu Joseph Adoga

Pastor (Dr) Inalegwu Joseph Adoga is a Senior Pastor and Co-founder of Prevailers Intercessory Faith Ministry. A fervent minister of the gospel carrying a strong exegetical teaching grace with manifestations of revelational and vocal gifts of the Spirit. He operates under a strong unction of the Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding, which has distinguished him, not only in the ministry but also in his marketplace engagement and calling. His passion for knowledge has given him depths of insights on a broad spectrum of subjects.

The Encounters Birthing the Vision

Commissioning into the Ministry

These encounters below were foretelling their commission into the assignment of Prevailers that God had preordained. On Tuesday, January 19th 2021, Bishop Oyedepo laid his hands on them on the grounds of Canaan land, commissioning them into the work. By Sunday April 4th 2021, Pastor Triumphant Obamoh, the state pastor of Winners, Akwa Ibom, inaugurated the church in the maiden service held at No 179 Aka Road. Since then, the church has undergone remarkable transformation, moving from grace to grace to the glory of God.

One morning in 2010, while they were staying in Enugu, the word of the Lord came to Ronke in the place of prayer to start an intercessory prayer ministry by the name PREVAILERS (Gen 32:28). Subsequently, that same year, she had a night vision where she met a woman whose hand was amputated and she was asked to pray for her. Immediately she started praying the hand grew out fully, she woke out of the vision, and the ministry work was further impressed upon her heart.

Few days later, she saw Bishop TD Jakes in another night vision and she told him that God has instructed to start PREVAILERS. Bishop Jakes then directed her to go to a particular street junction close to the house where they were living at the time and that she should pray for a month at mid night to open the gate of the CITY. This they did but did not start the work immediately. In the process of time Ronke began to receive revelations in dreams where she was breastfeeding another person’s baby and after a while the baby’s mother will come and forcefully collect the baby from her. This particular revelation kept coming to her and was subsequently revealed to her husband in a revelation. After praying and seeking the face of the Lord, they discerned that they were breast-feeding the children of another ministry instead of running PREVAILERS, there our own ministry which the Lord had called them to.

At this point after much prayer, they began holding prayer conferences every quarter in 2011 and God began to move. In their first meeting, a woman who has been waiting for years for the fruit of the womb got pregnant before the next meeting according to the word of the Lord.

In the early hours of Friday 17th August 2001 from 1:30am to be exact, Inalegwu was before the Lord in meditation. The word of the Lord came to him saying that he that he would have a prayer and intercessory work to carry out jointly with the woman to whom he gets married. He asked the Lord to prove this to him. This account is documented in his journal entry that year.

Prior the encounter he was led to join and become an active members of Living Church, Garden of Faith, Barnawa in 1998 under the spiritual leadership of Bishop David Abioye. He served in the Counselling and Follow-up Unit. Ronke, who joined the same church much earlier in 1994, served in the choir. She began working as a church staff in 1996 under Bishop David Abioye. She was in charge of the Dominion Book Stores. In 1998, they met and became friends. They later become involved in a Christian book club, tagged “Readers Club” founded by Ronke. She was President of the Club, and by divine arrangement, he became the Vice-President. On October 19 2002, they got married at Garden of Faith Barnawa. After their marriage, they focused on having children and raising a family, which spanned up to 2011.

Due to the nature of her husband’s job, which involves frequent transfers, they moved out of Enugu to Ibadan in December of that year. However, she stayed back to continue the prayer conference but eventually stopped because she had to join her husband in Ibadan. Subsequently he was again transferred but this time to Lagos in October 2012. They stayed there for almost 4 years, spending the early part serving in Living Faith Church, offering their home as a zonal fellowship centre for the church in Lekki. In the latter part, they reconnected with her husband’s spiritual mentor Pastor David Ogbueli and served briefly in Dominion City Headquarters before he was transferred to Ota In August 2016. They continued their service in Dominion City, establishing a branch in Ota before their transfer to Uyo in 2019. Prior to their transfer, Pastor Adoga kept receiving revelations of Bishop Oyedepo laying hands on him and sometimes together with his wife.

Their Marriage and Fusion of Vision

In 1998, they met and became friends. They later become involved in a Christian book club, tagged “Readers Club” founded by Ronke. She was President of the Club, and by divine arrangement, he became the Vice-President. On 19 October 2002, they got married at Garden of Faith Barnawa under the blessings and oversight of Bishop David and Pastor Mary Abioye. Their life and ministry have made and continue to make great spiritual impact on their own marriage and ministry to this day. For this, they are profoundly grateful to God.

After their marriage, they focused on having children and raising a family, which spanned up to 2011, moving from Kaduna to Ibadan, eventually to Enugu. While in Enugu, they served in both Living Faith Church and Dominion City.
Due to the nature of her husband’s job, which involves frequent transfers, they moved out of Enugu to Ibadan in December of that year. However, she stayed back to continue the prayer conference but eventually stopped because she had to join her him in Ibadan.

Subsequently, he was again transferred, but this time to Lagos in October 2012. They stayed there for almost four years, spending the early part serving in Living Faith Church, offering their home as a zonal fellowship centre for the church in Lekki.
In the latter part, they reconnected with Pastor David and his wife Pastor Sarah and served briefly in Dominion City Headquarters before he was transferred to Ota in August 2016.

While in Lagos, they were both greatly impacted by their ministry. The love and constant challenge to become leaders that transform society was a blessing in epic dimensions.
Pastor Ronke was greatly inspired by Pastor Sarah, who mentored her to become a strong women’s leader, ministering powerfully along with her in several women conventions.

In Ota, they continued their service in Dominion City, establishing a branch before their transfer to Uyo in 2019. Prior to their transfer, Pastor Adoga kept receiving revelations of Bishop Oyedepo laying hands on him and sometimes together with his wife on numerous occasions, which are all properly documented in his journal.

Spiritual Maturity Is For Everyone


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Everybody has a ‘world’ he lives in. Your world is your sphere of influence, your social habitat if you like, the place where you are known, where you can make the most impact. Your world could be your family, home, neighbourhood, workplace, sports club, social group or network (physical and virtual).This gives us many opportunities to make impact if we understand our roles as world changers. Join our mission today and become a world changer tomorrow!